About Us

Center for New Americans (CNA) is a community-based, non-profit adult education center that provides the under-served immigrant, refugee and migrant communities of Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley with education and resources to learn English, become involved community members and obtain tools necessary to maintain economic independence and stability.

Center for New Americans welcomes immigrants of all races, religions, and national origins. We believe that our community is made strong by a diversity of skills, cultures, and traditions. Center for New Americans is an equal opportunity provider.

Number of students by location: online 57, greenfield 54, springfield 38, amherst 34, northampton 30

Our Impact in Numbers

Updated Spring 2024

Original presentation by Mohanad Salman


Center for New Americans serves immigrants with a dedicated staff of teachers, advisors, program coordinators, legal service providers, administrative staff, and childcare providers. We are grateful for the loyal community of volunteers who amplify our effort.

Legal Staff

Alex Kaezem, Immigration Attorney

Harleen Kaur Multani, Citizenship & Immigration Paralegal

Frances Maurer, Law Clerk

Kerlie Gedeon, Legal Assistant

Amal Rmiki, Legal Assistant

ESOL Program Staff

Peg R. Johnson, Enrollment & Assessment Coordinator

Stephanie Pasternak, Volunteer Coordinator

Michele Sedor, Teacher Support Coordinator

ESOL Teachers in Amherst, Greenfield, Northampton, Springfield and online

Technology Support

Peg Thibbitts, Technology Coordinator

Mohanad Salman – Technology Associate

Dance Zhou – Technology Assistant (Amherst)

Roy Nutthawut (Greenfield)

Childcare Providers

Anahit Grigoryan

Kerlie Gedeon

Aidin Martinez Luna

Administrative Team

Karen Towle

Jasmin Vieau

Communications Team

Von Harvey

Biani Salas

Executive Director

Laurie Millman

Finance & HR Manager

Sam Kaira

Center for New Americans is fortunate to be led by an engaged group of volunteer board members who meet monthly, attend program events, and care deeply about the work of welcoming and serving immigrants.

Our board of directors includes the following members:

J Vaughn, Chair

Antonio Pagán

Shardool Parmar, Treasurer

Aleksandra Peryeva

Our Students and Clients in Their Own Words

Listen to our students, alumni, and clients in their words thanks to the  students who videotaped themselves,  our Volunteer, Sarah McKusick, who also videotaped students, and our Volunteer, Sarah Jarman, who edited and produced the video.