Support Us

Support our efforts to welcome and serve immigrants by donating now.

Your gift makes a difference

Making a donation to Center for New Americans supports:

  • Free classes in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Hotspots and tablets to bridge the digital divide
  • Assistance with job applications and career coaching
  • Warm referrals to housing, healthcare, childcare, and other services
  • No-or-low-cost immigration legal services, including applications for Green Cards and some humanitarian services, such as Temporary Protected Status

Here’s how you can support our classes and services for immigrants:

Make a General Donation

Donate directly and have it go towards the most pressing need.

Increase your impact with a matching gift; find out if your employer will match your donation.

Give monthly

For the cost of two cups of coffee each month, you can become a recurring donor, contributing to our work and creating stability.

Give in Honor of or in Memory of

Give in honor of a friend or family member who believes in welcoming immigrants, or honor the memory of someone who would have appreciated your support for our effort.

Attend or Support an Event

Attend or support Immigrant Voices, the July 4th Naturalization Ceremony, or 30 Poems in November!

Sponsor an event by making a business donation and receive ad space in the program and on our website.

Make a Planned Gift

Leave a legacy of your commitment to a welcoming community by making a planned gift via the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.

Choose “Center for New Americans” and complete the form.

Donate Stocks

Support us without converting your investments to cash; donate stocks via the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.

Choose “Center for New Americans” and complete the form.

Immigrants help grow our economy

Immigrants fill vital positions in healthcare, hospitality, and manufacturing.  Businesses can support our classes and services and recruit our students and alumni.

We will be happy to promote your participation on our website, in event programs, and in our Annual Report!

photo collage cover of Center for New Americans 2023 Annual Report

Annual Report 2023

Check out our most recent annual report to learn more about our programs and supporters.


CNAM Board of Directors