Dear friends, Many of you have already stepped up to help me during knee surgery recovery, so I feel quite awkward asking you again to step up with donations to the Center for New Americans as I promise to write once again a poem every day in November.
Humpty Dumpty to make you laugh. Photo by KWH
Goal $1,500.00
100% towards our goal
$1,780.00 raised

Each year it seems to me to be more important to support the work of the Center for New Americans (CNA). Each year, immigrants, refugees, humans from all over the world come to the United States, as they have since before the inception of this country, with great hope, with great courage, with huge amounts of energy to settle, create families, businesses, become citizens, learn English, find jobs, and keep The United States the vibrant, growing, welcoming country it is. Think what we can do if we give generously to help the CNA continue their work with immigrants in our area. I know if we all work together without fear and with big hearts and large welcomes and big donations we can make things better. Just think what we can do. Thank you, Kessie