Hello! I hope you'll join me on this journey to spread literacy and a love of reading and writing to all~especially to New Americans.
Goal $150.00
0% towards our goal
$0.00 raised

Reading is a foundation to learning, and we ALL deserve a strong one. It's how we find information, make choices, learn about people and places we may never meet or see, go on adventures, and explore the things that matter to us. Writing is equally important~it gives us the chance to express ourselves, share what we know, ask questions, change our own minds, grow into people we never thought we could be. The Center for New Americans provides free literacy classes so that immigrants can "integrate economically and culturally into the community, and become self-sufficient" (from their website).  The idea is you pledge a certain amount for each poem I'll write, and at the end it will all be given to this outstanding organization (1$ per poem= 30$ total). Thank you!