I am excited to be participating in this year's 30 Days of Poetry fundraiser for the excellent non-profit Center for New Americans--but I could not be doing this without YOU, my generous supporters. Please pledge an amount to support my writing a poem a day for the month of November. All funds go directly to help immigrants learn English, find jobs, and build better lives. If you pledge $1 a poem, you can support me with just $30, but if you can afford to pledge more ($5 a poem would be $150, for example; $10 a poem $300 and so on), please do. This is the only time all year I ask for money, and the cause is important, and your money couldn't be better spent than supporting this fantasically well-run charity. Please let your name run in my honor roll, too, so your gift can inspire others. Thank you!
Center for New Americans
Education and Resources for Immigrants and Refugees in Western Massachusetts