Welcome, friends; lovers of poetry; and compassionate supporters of immigrants in need of our support!
woman wearing glasses in red coat
Goal $1,000.00
100% towards our goal
$1,696.00 raised
Allyson M
$ 10.00
$ 30.00
Looking forward to reading your poems!
$ 5.00
Thanks for your generous heart and creative spirit. Looking forward to reading some of your poems!
$ 50.00
Susan Newton
$ 50.00
Nate Therien
$ 50.00
Writing Class Radio
$ 50.00
Love this!
Phyllis Cole-Dai
$ 50.00
May these efforts be magnified.
Daniel C Ballantine
$ 36.00
The Center for New Americans needs now needs our support more then ever! Thank you Lanette for your dedication.
$ 20.00
Paula Greenspan
$ 50.00
Especially in this moment when anti-immigrant sentiment is being reinforced, I'm happy to do something to help those who have come seeking safety, freedom, or opportunity. I remember times when I was an immigrant in another country and people helped me.
$ 50.00
Hilary & Jonathan Caws-Elwitt
$ 25.00
Thank you for your example of generosity and creativity!
$ 20.00
Judy Hyde
$ 200.00
Now that I'm a volunteer I know what great work you do!
Deb & Mike Mezaros
$ 50.00
$ 150.00
$ 30.00
Cindy Page
$ 50.00
What a wonderful cause
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
Thank you for this important and inspiring gift at a time when it matters more than ever.

I am excited to be participating in this year's 30 Days of Poetry fundraiser for the excellent non-profit Center for New Americans--but I could not be doing this without YOU, my generous supporters. Please pledge an amount to support my writing a poem a day for the month of November. All funds go directly to help immigrants learn English, find jobs, and build better lives. If you pledge $1 a poem, you can support me with just $30, but if you can afford to pledge more ($5 a poem would be $150, for example; $10 a poem $300 and so on), please do. This is the only time all year I ask for money, and the cause is important, and your money couldn't be better spent than supporting this fantasically well-run charity. Please let your name run in my honor roll, too, so your gift can inspire others. Thank you!