When I became a naturalised US citizen, I had little difficulty communicating because I'd grown up speaking English in London, England. When I retired and moved to Jerusalem, Israel, the simplest tasks became challenges. Even though, as a Jew, I was for the first time in my life not living as a minority, life became more difficult. I know what it is like to be an immigrant, lacking languaguge skills, so I have chosen to utilize the English words I know to assist those who cannot easily speak - or listen - for themselves.
Goal $1,800.00
0% towards our goal
$0.00 raised


I've undertaken to write a poem a day for the month of November to help support the Center for New Americans in Western Massachusetts. I have no idea how this works. I don't know (yet) where or when I have to send the poems, or how you'll get to see them if you want to. It's all new to me - as is soliciting donations.

I haven't figured out my mailing list yet, so I don't know who YOU are - a close family member or a complete stranger.

If I've wasted your time, forgive me.

If you want to, donate.