It's been a few years, but I'm back at it. This November, I'll write a new poem every day and share it with you here. Why? To support our local treasure, the Center for New Americans.
Goal $750.00
100% towards our goal
$1,501.00 raised
Zevey Steinitz
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
Jenny Hansell
$ 50.00
Marisa And Marty
$ 100.00
Keep it going Shoshana! Thank you!
Alex All The Way From Waltham
$ 60.00
Shoshana you are the best ♡
$ 50.00
To honor immigrants and Shoshana's poetry
Jacques & Eva
$ 100.00
Swin on, Yankee dog and mommy
Barry And Ellen
$ 50.00
Lee And Bill
$ 100.00
Jessica And Eric
$ 50.00
Ruth F: Good One, Keep Going!
$ 100.00
Valle Dwight
$ 50.00
Naomi & Jonathan
$ 50.00
Moira G
$ 20.00
Thank you for the poetry!

Today's refugees and immigrants are making their homes right here, in the spirit of bravery and optimism that we so need today. Let's help them get started right. Donate now! Tax deductable! 

Annd to sweeten the pot, for donations of $60 or above, I'll write a bespoke poem to your specifications! You pick the topic, or style, or what have you, and I'll do it! 

Help me blow right past my modest goal here, will you? Do it for your own, likely immigrant ancestors. Thank you.