About Us

Center for New Americans (CNA) is a community-based, non-profit adult education center that provides the under-served immigrant, refugee, and migrant communities of Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley with education and resources to learn English, become involved community members, and obtain tools necessary to maintain economic independence and stability.

Center for New Americans welcomes immigrants of all races, religions, and national origins. We believe that our community is made strong by a diversity of skills, cultures, and traditions. Center for New Americans is an equal opportunity provider.


Center for New Americans welcomes and serves immigrants thanks to the efforts of hard-working teachers, advisors, technology associates, legal associates, administrative associates, and program coordinators.


Executive Director

Laurie Millman

Finance & HR Manager

Sam Kaira

Please Contact Us or email info@cnam.org for more information.

Center for New Americans is guided by a dedicated volunteer board of directors. The board meets regularly, oversees the organization’s program and financial management, and supports Center for New Americans’ efforts to welcome and support immigrants.

Our board of directors includes the following members:

Antonio Pagan, Chair

J Vaughn, Vice Chair

Shardool Parmar, Treasurer

Kathy Levesque, Clerk

Alexandra Peryeva
Patrick Slaney

Our Students and Clients in Their Own Words

Listen to our students, alumni, and clients in their words thanks to the  students who videotaped themselves,  our Volunteer, Sarah McKusick, who also videotaped students, and our Volunteer, Sarah Jarman, who edited and produced the video.