Once again, I am writing 30 poems to benefit the Center for New Americans, whose services make a big difference in the lives of so many individuals who are new to this country. As many of you know, I devote a great deal of time to working on immigration justice issues. And a great deal of time writing poetry. And a great deal of time writing fiction and non fiction about immigrants. (My short story collection, IMMIGRANTS, is forthcoming next year from Creators Press). So while doing this project always feels like that moment of panic before leaping off a high diving board because writing 30 poems in a month is not easy and can sometimes feel like another "should" in my should-infested life, I keep signing up because I believe in the mission of the Center for New Americans and I love the writing community that has sprouted from this yearly effort. Please join me in supporting the Center for New Americans. All donations, large and small, are appreciated and I will be glad to send you a poem (or all 30 poems) in gratitude.   
The featured picture is from a trip I took to the U.S./Mexico border in early 2020. I continue to think of this boy and so many like him who are denied the opportunity to enter, despite having to leave their homes under life-threatening circumstances. I a
Goal $350.00
100% towards our goal
$767.00 raised