The turmoil and destruction in the world have displaced millions of people seeking refuge, and it is hard to not feel overwhelmed by the chaos and suffering of so many fellow humans. The Center for New Americans is a remarkable organization supporting immigrants, refugees, and migrants in our community by providing education resources, legal support, and other services to help these newest Americans gain and maintain economic stability and community connection. Please consider supporting this organization by making a donation that fits your budget: no amount is too small! In exchange, I will write daily, and now and then (though not often enough to be annoying) send you a poem I've written.
This year, I am writing in memory of poet and friend Michael Biegner, to whom I largely owe the courage to call myself a writer. I treasure the chapbooks he created from his own 30 Poems in November endeavors, and continue to be inspired by his compassion, kindness, and thoughtful dedication to social justice.
Thank you so much for your support! For more information, please visit: