English Classes
We teach English to immigrant adults at all levels. All classes are free!
Center for New Americans offers free morning classes in Amherst, Greenfield, Northampton, and Springfield (Springfield classes are for refugee referrals only), and evening classes online.
Class Sign-Up Process

Contact Center for New Americans (CNA) by phone or our contact form to express interest in classes
A teacher will call to conduct an assessment and intake IF you meet the following criteria:
- You live in Hampshire or Franklin Counties
- You are not here on a visa; you are an immigrant living in the U.S.
- You are not affiliated with UMass; we cannot enroll visiting scholars or their family members
We accept Hampden County residents only if you are referred directly by Catholic Charities Agency
If we cannot serve you, we can refer you to another local ESOL program. The Massachusetts ABE Directory has programs listed by geography. There is also an online program—MassLinks—sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education which offers online learning opportunities.
Academic Calendar
Free ESOL Classes!

I learned English at Center for New Americans. Then CNA helped me to become a U.S. citizen. I am so happy.
Kwot, Center for New Americans former student and client