Author Jane Yolen Featured at 2023 Annual Meeting

Jane Yolen and Raquel Elizabeth Artiga de Paz

The Center for New Americans (CNA) celebrated its 2023 Annual Meeting on October 11, marking a year filled with remarkable achievements and contributions from students, alumni, and board members. The event was a heartfelt acknowledgment of the dedication and hard work of many individuals who have played pivotal roles in the center’s success.

Alums Hasina Zahed, Walid Zahed, and Zoralis Moreno were in the spotlight for catering the event. Zoralis obtained her ServSafe certification through a CNA’s training course. Board member Roger Webb received well-deserved recognition upon his retirement from the board for his invaluable contributions to the center’s mission.

Sarah Sullivan introduced the 30 Poems in November! Annual Fundraiser, which she has chaired for six years. The 2022 edition of the fundraiser made $75,000 to support the Center’s mission.

Jane Yolan, the celebrated children’s book author and activist, shared her latest work, a collaboration with former CNA student Raquel Elizabeth Artiga de Paz, which sheds light on the immigrant and refugee experiences. The book, Straw Bag, Tin Box, Cloth Suitcase, celebrates the diverse backgrounds of immigrants and emphasizes the significance of supporting each other’s journeys while honoring our cultural roots.

The Center for New Americans reaffirmed its dedication to helping individuals with citizenship and immigration applications, showcasing the center’s high success rates and the tireless efforts of the team, volunteers, and staff attorney Alex Kaezem. Through shared experiences, activism, and dedicated efforts, the center champions unity and progress within the community, embodying a spirit of inclusivity and hope.